Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sunshine makes bees.

In order to grow up, the bees' brood has to be kept as safe and warm as a human baby. Last night at 6:30pm there was a cold snap, Sean was in the supermarket and suddenly heard hail driving onto the roof, my ultimate frisbee team was listening to the captain go through our game plan when fast fat icy rain stared to throw itself at us. The big sister bees huddled around their baby sisters and shimmied, using their mighty muscles to share their calories and keep the little ones warm. 

I am concerned about the Flow hive, it has not been building up wax or bees as fast as the possibly precocious 3/4. Do the babies have enough big sisters to keep them warm? Also, yesterday, when the weather was good, I found mould (and three evil mites) on the bottom board and so I rotated the ventilation strip from cosy to airy. 

So last night after we won our windy rainy game, after I ate kumara with sesame broccoli, before my cosy bath, I raced down to the hive in my airy towel and rotated it back again. Maybe I'll air their bed out again in today's fresh sunshine. 

Bottom board links: 

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