Saturday, October 30, 2021

The bees are in good shape!

Bees just had their annual AFB inspection: 
They are fine! This is not the year we have to work out how to burn them. No varroa, or evidence of them, probably treat in 3 weeks or a month. No real queen cells, one little play cup. Proud! 

Her 3/4 hive had a  empty bottom box, so we put it on top with a queen excluder under it. 

Rachael's (Flow) hive: Lots of honey in it, a good deal from last year because we had a mild winter and they just kept on foraging. Added queen excluder and box on top: 4 full honey frames up to it, 4 empty down from it. Didn't see Rachael but everything looks like she's good. Could harvest some honey. 

Also, the fish survived the winter too! The one on the left had a moustache when it went on so it's called Hercule Poisson and the other one had a yellow face and had been hiding ever since it went in so it's called Chicken. 

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