Monday, January 13, 2020

Alternative Accommodation

Hippolyta and Hazel have moved out. 

My guess is that we weren't fast enough with that larval princess and the extra box and so Hippolyta took her best warriors and left, I guess this because we haven't found her corpse, and because I'm optimistic although we haven't heard of or seen a swarm with a green dotted queen around here. Good luck to them. 

Of course, that leaves the Flow hive queenless. 

But it might not be as awful as it sounds. It means they're making oodles of honey and we saw a capped supercedure queen cell, so they may well sort out a queen pronto, if they do, we'd like to mark her with blue for 2020. 

We also moved a frame of brood from the 3/4 hive, and will keep doing so every week because that's supposed to keep the force balanced, that is, the pheromones from the brood should keep the workers from starting to lay oodles and oodles of drones. 

Hazel has a room in tiny flat in Bidwill Street, her delightful flatmates seem to share an intention to live in serenity. Good luck to them too. 

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