For the first time today we had our hives inspected by an experienced beekeeper, he was doing the official yearly AFB monitoring inspection: we don't have it so we don't have to burn our hives and bees. What's more, we saw no varroa today, though there was plenty of pink-eyed drone brood to look for it on, no swarm cells, and we did see eggs and were told both queens are laying well, and in good patterns. Malka's hive, that we harvested a bit of delicious Spring honey from, was low on stores so we gave them the 8 frames of honey that's been in a box on the back porch all year. Rachael's hive was looking a bit full of honey so we put an empty super on top for them to fill.
I forgot to take any photos during the inspection so here's one of Malka from this time last year.
If you haven't found her, look again at 7 o'clock. She's wearing green.